BELIEVE AND CREATE FUTURETHE T FACTOR - The active patient changes everything in health



Our objective was to create a conference aimed at Hospital Pharmacy Professionals where, in an illustrative and playful way, we would make them participate in the latest advances and current affairs in the sector.

Solution​​In 2018, the search for efficiency and quality in the health field revealed the need to reduce the use of "not recommended" health interventions, to establish those that result in greater efficiency and quality. Based on this theme and to convey the meeting, we established the concept "Stop doing" to "Start doing".

We develop a kit that contained four tests corresponding to the main topics of interest to hospital pharmacists: safety, health outcomes, chronicity and continuity, and technology. Each game presented some actions that should be stopped, understanding the problem entertainingly and originally, later discover the appropriate alternative.

Second edition: After the success of the first edition, we continued the conference with another current topic, the transition from the paternalistic health system to participatory medicine, in which the patient takes an active role in the entire process: health policies, research, etc.

The concept chosen for this meeting was "The T factor". A factor is an element depending on whose presence or absence changes the result. For this reason, the active patient became the T factor, the factor that, when included, changed everything in health: it improves the quality of life, reduces the costs of the health system, more safety in the treatment, etc.

Based on this concept, we launched an event where renowned hospital pharmacists and patient associations spoke about the importance of involving the patient as the key factor in the care process. Also, playful workshops to increase knowledge, through which the patient went from passivity to participation in different settings, with the attendees making the paradigm shift in real-time.

The session concluded with a motivational talk by Asier de la Iglesia, who put the finishing touch to the session.


The days were a success of attendance. About 80 hospital pharmacists enjoyed the latest edition and expressed great satisfaction with the presentations and workshops held. These were very active participating in each activity, thus acquiring new knowledge that, without a doubt, they will have put into practice in their professional life.